Lubricants for 3D printers - Teplotní rozsah - -43°C do 232°C

Lubricants for 3D printers are an essential part of maintaining any FDM printer. Proper lubrication of guide rods, linear rails, and moving parts significantly extends the lifespan of the 3D printer, reduces noise, and ensures precise movement of the print head. Our selection includes high-quality PTFE lubricants, special lubricants for guide rods, and universal lubricants specifically designed for 3D printers.

Not sure what to use to lubricate your 3D printer? Choose lubricants that we have tested for you and use ourselves on our 3D printers. Regular lubrication of mechanical parts is crucial for the proper functioning of the printer—whether you have classic guide rods or linear rails on your 3D printer. Our lubricants are suitable for all common types of 3D printers, including models like Voron, Prusa, Bambulab, and others.