Electronics - Nominal speed - 6000 ot/min.
Here you will find basic electronic components for 3D printers (motherboards and drivers, motors, displays, etc.) Electronics plays a key role in the functioning of 3D printers and is an essential component for their proper operation and print accuracy.
Investing in quality electronic components can significantly improve the performance of a 3D printer, increase reliability and print accuracy, and in some cases even reduce device noise. Whether upgrading an existing printer or selecting a new device, quality electronics is the key to achieving optimal results in 3D printing.

Gdstime Radial Fan (blower) 5015 24V Dual Ball
In stock
8,58 €
7,21 € excl. VAT
7,21 € excl. VAT

Gdstime Radial Fan (blower) 5015 24V Hydraulic
Out of stock
8,58 €
7,21 € excl. VAT
7,21 € excl. VAT